Welcome Back Artists!
Friday, August 23, 2013 at 3:01PM
Art With Mrs. French

Welcome back to all returning artists and greetings to those new to our school. I hope you had a wonderful, refreshing and inspiring summer break. We have some interesting and exciting new art projects planned for this year. My goal is to challenge you to really see the world around you, and both motivate and inspire you to grow and think creatively. Remember there is always more than one solution to a problem in the art room!

Much of our work gets photographed and posted to this website when completed, then returns home with students at the end of the school year. We’ve also got some great links to articles and websites about art I’d like to share with students and families, so please remember to stop in regularly. I can't wait to get started creating art!

Article originally appeared on Art with Mrs. French (http://www.artwithmrsfrench.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.