I Love Winter Mittens
Friday, January 6, 2012 at 12:00PM
Art With Mrs. French in Art and Language Arts, Winter Projects, first grade

Our first graders had fun making these mittens by gluing tissue paper squares onto paper, using lots of different colors. When done gluing, we sprayed the mittens lightly with water. Like magic the colors blended with each other around the edges!

The next week, students cut out and glued their mittens onto drawing paper. What a huge leap this age makes with their cutting skills from kindergarten, no difficulty cutting at all. We then talked about the things we liked about wintertime; snow of course, hot cocoa, being home with our families, sledding and skating and Santa Claus! 

After we spelled out the words on the board the kids filled their backgrounds with the things they liked most about winter. The project was lots of fun to create and we got a chance to reflect on our thoughts about the season while practicing our best handwriting!

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Article originally appeared on Art with Mrs. French (http://www.artwithmrsfrench.com/).
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